2013 Final Management Plan and Environmental Assessment

New challenges and opportunities in national marine sanctuaries emerge with time. For this reason, the sanctuary is required to periodically update its management plan. This update reevaluates site-specific goals and objectives and develops management strategies and activities to best ensure the sanctuary protects its resources. Management plans are sanctuary-specific planning and management documents used by all national marine sanctuaries. They identify immediate, mid-range, and long-term challenges and opportunities and develop a course for the future.
With the assistance of the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council, council working groups, and community stakeholders, a new course was charted for the sanctuary in 2013. In February 2013, Monitor National Marine Sanctuary published the current management plan and environmental assessment.
View a copy of the final management plan and the Federal Register Notice.
To obtain a copy of the 2013 final management plan and environmental assessment, contact monitor@noaa.gov.
Other management documents
- Monitor National Marine Sanctuary State of the Sanctuary Report 2008
- Monitor National Marine Sanctuary Condition Report 2008
- Charting a New Course for the Monitor, 1998
- 1983 Management Plan
- 1982 Management Plan
- 1975 Federal Register Notice
- Chronology of the USS Monitor
- Monitor brochure
- Monitor fact sheet
- Data buoy rack card