Wind, Waves, Weather, and More
Before you head to Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, get the most up-to-date information available about weather, sea state, and water conditions.

Data buoy
Weather and sea surface conditions can be unpredictable at Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, so before you leave shore make sure you have the most up-to-date weather information. Check out NOAA’s data buoy, Station 41025 (Diamond Shoals, North Carolina), installed near the sanctuary. The buoy provides real-time weather conditions for mariners, fishermen, and divers visiting the area or for those who are just curious as to what the weather is like offshore. The buoy also takes pictures about every hour, so you can also now see the ocean around the buoy in almost real-time!
Latest marine forecast for all national marine sanctuaries
Click on the "Synopsis" or "Forecast" link for any sanctuary to find out current weather conditions.