The Nation's First Sanctuary
On January 30, 1975, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) designated the wreck of the USS Monitor as the nation's first national marine sanctuary. Over 45 years later, Monitor National Marine Sanctuary continues to protect this famed Civil War ironclad.

History of the USS Monitor
Learn about the history of the USS Monitor, the Union's first Civil War ironclad that fought CSS Virginia in the Battle of Hampton Roads.

Discovery and Designation
Read about the 1973 Duke University Marine Lab expedition that discovered the USS Monitor's wreck site, and how that site became the first national marine sanctuary.

Learn about expeditions to Monitor and the artifacts recovered.

Explore The Mariners' Museum and the Batten Conservation Lab, where over 200 tons of Monitor artifacts are being conserved and exhibited.

Get in touch with Monitor National Marine Sanctuary staff.

Learn about the partners we collaborate with to protect the USS Monitor.

Sanctuary Map
A detailed map of the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary