Council Membership and Documents

Council members meet at Nauticus, June 24, 2011
Council meeting at Nauticus in Norfolk, Va., on June 24, 2011. (Photo: Monitor Collection)

The Sanctuary Advisory Council consists of 20 members: 10 primary voting community members representing key constituent groups, one non-voting youth seat, and 12 non-voting government members (with alternates) with related responsibilities and interests.

Council membership recruitment occurs four times each year to fill any vacant community seats. Non-government members are selected through a competitive application process. A committee comprised of three current Council members reviews all applications and recommends the top three candidates for each vacant seat to the sanctuary superintendent. The superintendent then selects one representative for each vacant seat.

Applicants are chosen based on their expertise and experience in relation to the seats for which they are applying. Consideration includes familiarity with the sanctuary's work and mission, community and professional affiliations, residency in the sanctuary area, and philosophy regarding the protection and management of underwater cultural resources. A background check is also conducted on each of the selected individuals. Members serve without pay for a term of two years, with a limit of three terms.

Government agencies appoint primary and alternate members to the Council who serve until their agency reappoints a new member to the seat.

Current and Former Members

View a list of current members

View a list of former members


View a current list of vacancies