Advisory Council Membership List

The Monitor Sanctuary Advisory Council (Council) consists of 11 non-government voting members, representing key constituent groups; eight key government seats (and alternate), representing agencies who have responsibilities that require coordination with sanctuary staff; and one non-voting youth seat.

Non-government members of the council are selected through a competitive application process. A committee of three non-sanctuary employees reviews all applications and recommends the top three candidates for each vacant seat. The sanctuary manager then selects one representative for each vacant seat. Standard background checks are conducted on each of the selected individuals.

Government agencies appoint primary and alternate members who serve until their agency reappoints a new member to the seat.

Current Community Voting Members

Council Seats

Maritime Heritage & Archaeological Science

Member: Dr. Nathan Richards
Alternate: Thomas McCulloch

Heritage Tourism (North Carolina)

Member: Bucky Oliver
Alternate: vacant

Heritage Tourism (Virginia)

Member: vacant
Alternate: vacant

Education (Higher)

Member:Sal Mercogliano
Alternate: vacant

Education (K-12)

Member: vacant
Alternate: vacant

Recreational Diving

Member: Debby Boyce
Alternate: vacant

Recreational/Commercial Fishing

Member: K.P. Scott
Alternate: Rom Whitaker

Ecological Sciences

Member: Carol Price
Alternate: vacant

Military Community

Member: Alexis Kimotho
Alternate: vacant

Cultural Engagement

Member: Dan Baxter Alternate: vacant

Current Government Members & Alternates

National Park Service: Dave Hallac
Alternate: To be appointed

North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, Office of State Archaeology: Chris Southerly
Alternate: Kim Kenyon

Virginia Department of Historic Resources: Brendan Burke
Alternate: Samantha Henderson

US Coast Guard: LCDR Matthew Kahley
Alternate: To be appointed

NC Local Government: To be appointed
Alternate: To be appointed

VA Local Government: Mark Reed
Alternate: To be appointed

The Mariners’ Museum and Park: Will Hoffman
Alternate: Tina Gutshall

Former Advisory Council Members